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The more technology advances, the more businesses must be aware of security breaches and hacker attacks. Where are hackers likely to strike in 2019, and how can you protect your business? Read on to learn more about new and existing cyberattacks to avoid.

Toll Fraud Likely to Threaten Businesses

Toll Fraud is an emerging cyber threat to watch out for. Toll fraud may happen when an attacker accesses your phone system to make fraudulent calls, possibly by posing as a new customer, placing calls (including expensive long-distance calls) directly from your business’s phone lines — on your dime! Cybercriminals may target businesses with in-house phone systems, rather than ones with Voice over IP (VoIP) systems. Toll fraud can be recognized and prevented through monitoring of a VoIP system.

Be on Look out for Phishing Schemes

Phishing typically uses emails to lure your employees into clicking on links that download malicious software (Malware). In addition, Phishing schemes may also get your employees to share internal information including passwords, confidential information, privacy information, financial information, patents and more. Educating your staff on how to recognize suspicious links and report them is your first line of defense.

Ransomware is Everywhere

Employees can also introduce Ransomware to your network, that can travel to all attached devices including your server. Once infected, you will be held ransom to regain access. If you pay, you are likely to be targeted again. Avoid ransomware by having strict policies to prevent thumb drives, guest PCs and other non-compliant devices attaching to your network. Having a reliable backup of your systems is a way to rapidly recover without paying the ransom.

While firewalls, anti-virus SPAM filtering, and penetration testing can help deter cyber attacks, human beings play a role in staying safe. To learn more about how to respond to upcoming threats, contact your technology advisor today.

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